5:00 AM In Boston

:) :) :) :) :) :)

It's 5:00 AM, and I'm writing this to you bro.

I'm chilling on my balcony in Jacksonville and preparing to leave for Boston today.

It's been chaotic the last few months.

I learned a lot, grew a lot, and fought a lot.


Let me get an espresso shot and rewrite this.

{6:43 AM}

Okay, I got coffee, and I ran a bit right now.

If there's anything I want you to take away from this dusty computer screen.

"It's the hard things that bring the easy times."

It's corny, but I mean it: you must do the hard things that bring the best results.

Running in the morning and working afterward brings me focus and results compared to sleeping in till 9:00 AM.

That run is more than exercise; it's symbolic.

It signifies moving beyond my comfort zone, taking on difficulties, and priming myself for productivity.

So, as the sun continues its ascent and the city slowly awakens, I'll leave you with this thought.

The hard things—the early morning runs, the battles faced, the uphill climbs— Embrace those bittersweet moments.

Okay, I'm going to pack before Hurricane Idalia kills us.

Talk soon,
