Cold emails to closed deals

You’re about to miss out on the new era of sales...

I've been in Lead-Gen for a very long time.

I was an SDR for 3 years and learned the fundamentals of sales.

Imagine the Wolf of Wall Street making 200 cold calls, banging out deals, and running up commissions.

That was my life for THREE long years.

Even the simplest one-line emails would book insane amounts of meetings for clients, even in the e-commerce space.


The game has changed.

Everyone in business, including their sweet old mothers, receives cold emails (hopefully not the Nigerian Prince scam ones).

We've talked about the power of unlocking your email list's true potential.

Now, let's dive deeper into why just emailing is not enough.

It's a fact that most people need a personalized touch to feel like they're not just another sale in an email.

Imagine if a random person came up to you, looked you dead in the eye, and asked for $2,000.

Any normal person would say, "No, and leave me alone."

Your leads are no different.

Make them feel special like they're the only ones in the world.

"But how do you do that, Logan?"

Well, DUMMY, through persuasive copywriting with newsletters, positive engagement, and warm-calling them about our offer.

We can create an unstoppable force that warms up leads, transforming them into eager customers.

The process is simple:

Newsletter -> Positive engagement-> SDR Calls-> Meeting booked = SALE CLOSED $$$

Which turns into Scrooge McDuck BAG $$$.

Don't let these valuable leads slip through your fingers.

By the way, if you're a coach or own an info-product, simply click here and fill out this 30-second form to join our waiting list.

To your Scrooge McDuck fortune,
