The most valuable trait of an info-product owner

The highest form of leverage in the game

If you own an info-product, make sure to read this carefully. I promise you this is more valuable than a consulting call with some random guru.

The most valuable trait of an info-product owner is PERSONAL BRANDING.

The result difference between the client with a strong personal brand and the one without is HUUUUGEEE.

For our copywriter, it makes making ads, webinars, and funnels way easier. For our SDR team, it helps convert warm leads easier.

As an example bro, if someone from Grant Cardone's team called you, you would listen ASAP.

But if some No-Name brand tries to contact you, 90% of the time, you'll hang up.

It’s the same No-Name types to do the absolute bare minimum to showcase their product and get sales.

(Huberman types = No-Name types)


It's like they hate making a BOAT LOAD of money???

You need to be BUSTING OUT content like a madman and getting your message across the internet. Let the world know who you are, what you're good at, and what you sell.

It will be the difference in making more money between you and your competition.

Moral of the story: creating a strong personal brand is one of the best investments for sales.

Okay, I’m going to enjoy the rest of my day with my wife rather than ranting on the internet boss.

Wishing you a happy 4th of July,

Logan "Proud 'Merican" Kennedy

Reshaped Marketing